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Setting Health and Fitness Goals for the Month: A Mom's Journey

Hi there, I'm Amanda, a busy mom juggling a thousand things, including my family, work, and household responsibilities. Among all these, I've realized that I often neglect one crucial aspect of my life: my health and fitness. It's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of motherhood, but this month, I've decided to prioritize myself and set some meaningful health and fitness goals. In this blog post, I'll share my journey of setting achievable monthly goals and how I plan to make self-care a priority.

Why Monthly Goals? Life as a mom is unpredictable, and long-term planning can sometimes feel overwhelming. That's why I've chosen to set monthly goals instead of yearly resolutions. Monthly goals allow me to focus on what's realistic and attainable within a shorter time frame, making it easier to stay committed and motivated.

SMART Goals To ensure my goals are effective and achievable, I've adopted the SMART goal-setting framework:

  • Specific: Instead of a vague goal like "get fit," I've defined specific objectives such as "exercise for 30 minutes five days a week" and "consume at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily." Make it specific to your personal goals.

  • Measurable: I'll track my progress to stay accountable. For example, I'll use a fitness app to record my workouts and a food diary to monitor my nutrition. (myfitnesspal is a great one and offers a free version)

  • Achievable: It's essential to set goals that are challenging but realistic. With my schedule, aiming for an hour of daily exercise might not be sustainable, so I've set a goal that's manageable yet pushes me to make time for my health.

  • Relevant: These goals are tailored to my health and fitness needs. I've chosen activities I enjoy, like yoga and hiking, to keep me engaged.

  • Time-Bound: Each goal has a specific deadline, the end of the month. Having a time frame adds a sense of urgency and helps me stay on track.

My Health and Fitness Goals for the Month

  1. Regular Exercise: Finding time to work out can be challenging, but I'm committing to exercising for at least 30 minutes, five days a week. Whether it's a brisk walk before pick up or a quick home workout after drop off, I'll make it happen.

  2. Balanced Nutrition: I'll focus on improving my diet by trying new foods, Meal planning and prepping will be my allies in achieving this goal. With WLS trying foods again is a bit of an adventure.

  3. Hydration: Staying hydrated is often overlooked. I'll aim to drink at least eight glasses of water a day, and I've invested in a reusable water bottle to make this habit easier.

  4. Mindful Self-Care: Self-care isn't just about physical health; it's also about mental well-being. I'll set aside time for activities that relax and rejuvenate me, such as reading, journaling, and meditating.

  5. Sleep Routine: Sleep is vital for overall health. I'll work on establishing a consistent sleep schedule, ensuring I get a minimum of seven hours of quality sleep each night. Bedtime 10:30pm

Accountability and Support To stay accountable, I'll share my goals with you guys. Having support and encouragement will make a significant difference in my journey. I'm also considering joining a local moms' fitness group to connect with like-minded individuals. As a mom, it's easy to put our health and fitness on the back burner, but I've realized that taking care of myself is essential to be the best mom I can be. Setting monthly goals using the SMART framework allows me to focus on manageable steps that will lead to long-term improvements in my health and fitness. I'm excited about this journey and the positive impact it will have on my life and the lives of my loved ones. If you're a fellow mom looking to prioritize your health, consider joining me on this monthly goal-setting adventure – let's support each other as we work towards a healthier and happier future!



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